Massage On Main Street is nestled in the town of Antioch, IL, just south of the Wisconsin border. Our number one goal is to help support the well-being of our clients. Studies show the benefit of receiving massage therapy is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension. Massage therapists at Massage On Main Street are both licensed and professional members of AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) and ABMP (Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals).
Massage Therapy
Therapeutic, Prenatal, Hot Stone and Rain Drop Therapy
Facials, Waxing
(Pricing Under Treatments/Booking)
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. However, Lia (Metanoia Massage by Lia) and Meg (Vera Esthetics) are requesting if you previously purchased a gift certificate with them at our location, you redeem it with them at their new Antioch location.
Their new contact information is:
Heritage Building
800 Main St, Antioch IL
Lower Level Suite 18
Lia's Vagaro Booking : Metanoia Massage By Lia
Meg's Vagaro Booking : Vera Esthetics